The story of how ex-Confederate ‘Redeemers’ used night riding terrorism to thwart Reconstruction needs to be better known, and Lemann tells it compellingly.
Grant, Slavery & Civil Rights
Yes, Ulysses S. Grant owned a slave. And his wife’s family in Missouri owned dozens. Yet historian Allen Guelzo has called Grant “America’s first civil rights president.”
‘To Rescue the Republic’ by Bret Baier
An excellent introduction to Grant for a general reader, this book’s focus on how Grant helped avert a second Civil War at the end of his presidency is relevant for today and told engagingly by a surprisingly evenhanded Fox News anchor.
Exhibit on Grant vs the KKK through 2021
The U.S. Grant National Historic Site in St. Louis is hosting a temporary exhibit on Grant’s efforts to protect freed people in the South and his success in crushing America’s original domestic terrorists.